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7 stylish, easy-care houseplants

David Ragg

Houseplants are the must-have interior accessory of the moment. If you choose low maintenance varieties, they don’t need to be hard work.

Dracaena fragrans ‘Yellow Coast’

The Dragon Tree is quite possibly the perfect houseplant. It doesn’t need that much looking after and instantly makes a room look contemporary with its sword-shaped leaves. Growing to 50ft in its native tropical Africa, it will only reach 1.2-2m high indoors. Give it a well-lit position not in direct sunlight, and keep the soil moist but not wet.

Senecio rowleyanus

This curious trailing succulent also known as string-of-beads plant is super-hip on Instagram right now. Hang it high in a stylish pot so you can admire its beautiful cascade of pea-shaped leaves. It’s pretty indestructible, tolerating little watering and only needs a few hours of sunlight a day. Plant in a gritty cactus compost.

Echeveria Blue Prince

We love this stylish succulent for its striking green-blue rosettes. It’s perfect for a sunny windowsill, but you can move it outside in the summer months, if desired. The fleshy leaves remain on the plant all year round and in the summer it produces pretty sprays of star-shaped orange flowers. For the best results, grow in a gritty, free-draining compost and only lightly water so the compost is just moist.

Echeveria affinus

Another great succulent for a sunny windowsill. Hailing from Mexico, this evergreen drought-tolerant plant with red-tinged rosettes needs little attention. Just ensure it’s growing in gritty compost and is positioned in a warm, sunny spot. Keep it lightly watered so the compost is just moist - it doesn’t like sitting in wet compost, which may cause rotting.

Epipremnum pinnatum

The fabulous devil’s ivy vine, native to the French Polynesian islands, can be used to create a stylish indoor green wall. Allow the glossy leaves to clamber along taut wire or string that’s attached to a fresh-white painted wall. It also looks great trailing from a hanging planter or along a desk or table. Water freely when in active growth in spring and summer, but ensure the compost dries out in between waterings. Pinch out the growing tips to encourage bushier growth.

Scindapsus pictus ‘Argyraeus’

The latin word pictus means painted, referring to the silvery variegation of this lovely evergreen climber. This smaller-leaved variety would look best in hanging planters that allow the foliage to cascade downwards. Its natural rainforest habitat means that it won’t tolerate harsh direct sunlight but needs bright, indirect light all year round. It will do well in most areas of your home as long as there’s some light coming in, and it’s fine under artificial lighting too. Water thoroughly but allow the top inch of soil to dry out between waterings. Barely water throughout winter.

Scindapsus pictus ‘Treble’

A larger-leaved vine plant that looks great if allowed to grow upwards - up a plant totem or along taut wires on a wall. It doesn’t need a lot of light so will do well in most areas of the home as long as there’s some light coming in - a reason why it’s popular in artificially lit offices. These tropical climbers appreciate a cosy environment so keep them away from draughty windows, but equally don’t place too close to a radiator. Use a houseplant fertiliser about once monthly (not during winter) and water regularly so that it’s lightly dry at the top and moist near the bottom. They are very forgiving plants if they are a neglected once in a while!